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Über uns

Since 2013, GxP-CC has guided life sciences companies into the future, helping them adopt innovative technologies while achieving sustainable compliance. Global companies rely on GxP-CC for a holistic approach that integrates scientific results, regulatory requirements, and technological applications seamlessly. Our secure, risk-based approach enhances efficiency, saving clients time by systemizing processes and training staff. This training ensures all team members can maintain compliance and manage previously unseen risks. Upskilled personnel can then focus on transforming new developments into reality. GxP-CC also offers improvement support through audits and guided inspections, enabling companies to address potential risks promptly. Designed for maximum flexibility, GxP-CC provides customized solutions to advance projects effectively.

Darum sind wir auf der ScieCon

We are at the job fair because we have successfully participated in ScieCon multiple times in the past, allowing us to connect with and hire talented individuals who attended the event. We are always on the lookout for future talent in life sciences, and this job fair provides an excellent opportunity to meet promising candidates who can help drive innovation and success in our company.

Beratung der Life Science-/Pharma-Industrie





Life Science





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