ScieGuide - Research group database
Attract talented life sciences students to your research group!
ScieGuide - Research group database
Attract talented life sciences students to your research group!
The ScieGuide is a feature of the btS career platform ScieMatch for life science students. Our goal is to help students find an exciting research group for their thesis, a Hiwi job, a PhD or a PostDoc position. Using our sophisticated search mask with filters such as a geographic radius or field of study, students can search specifically for research groups matching their particular scientific interests.
To make our database useful, the profiles of as many research groups as possible are of great importance. Therefore, we invite you to create a profile for your research group for free in the digital ScieGuide.
Furthermore, you can publish job postings for Hiwi- as well as PostDoc positions and PhDs in the digital ScieGuide free of charge. Simply send us an e-mail to scieguide[at] with the respective job advertisement as a PDF. Please also indicate the corresponding profile to which the advertisement should be assigned and let us know the end of the application phase - the btS team will do the rest for you.
The perfect ScieGuide profil
Promote your research group in the digital ScieGuide for students and advertise open job positions.
Set up your profile based on the template:
How to ScieGuide
At ScieGuide we are dedicated to help students navigate the complex research landscape. Our platform is designed to be the ultimate resource for students looking to explore new research groups, learn about cutting-edge methods and apply to research positions.
No need to create an account! Fill out the form and showcase your research area, current projects, methods and equipment to attract top talents! Provide some details how prospective candidates should apply or share information that every candidate should know before joining your group. Picture perfect profile - don't forget to add a group photo.
Hint: You would like to advertise open positions? Send them to us as a pdf-file and we will upload them to your profile for you!
Convinced of our vision? Tell your colleagues about ScieGuide and encourage your students to test our platform!
You changed location? Got funding for a new research project? Congrats! Just message us and we will provide you with a link to update your profile.
Questions about btS e.V. or ScieGuide? We are happy to help. Please send a message to scieguide[at]